I'm not expecting anyone to read this, it is primarily just for me. Loved how Facebook summed up an entire year for me so quickly and efficiently!
is uploading photos before we move accross the ocean!
is subbing Spanish all week!
is switching back over to the English language, for a break of Spanish before Monday rolls around....
is sad that nobody wants to drive up to Nago for the Cherry Blossom Festival....
is uploading photos, again....sooo boring!
is going to bed and HOPES the phone doesn't ring at 6 am!
is sad the phone rang...off to high school i go....
is going to watch a chick flick while Ed plays in the jungle with his makeup wearing, cammie dressed buddies!
is waiting for dinner to come out of the oven so she can go deliver it to the family she is taking it to. Hope they like it, HATE TO COOK FOR PEOPLE!
is getting paid to play floor hockey, ALL DAY!!!
is happy with her run time tonight!
is coloring Vicki's hair, brown....why why why???
is listening to the wind blow and hating the rain! It's gonna be a wet run! Uhhg!
is back from Gails Groovy Party! What a fun night! Peace!
is watching Breakfast Club while waiting for the shower
is hiding from the boys who are all wrestling....
is now adding some of her songs to Vicki's ipod! Soo funny when she wants some of MY music!
is making Taco Rice for dinner
is subbing algebra all day today! UUHHG! Math hurts the brain!
is subbing for chorus and guitar today....singing and strumming!
is back from swimming laps! Time to watch Moonlight!
is soo glad Jorden mowed the lawn! Its just been too busy for me to get to it!!!
hates being on Tornado Alert! UUHG!
is sooooo happy to be off work today!!! I need a catch up day!
does NOT have a pocketful of sunshine, more like a pocketfull of rain!
had a pocketfull of sunshine all day!!! Wow!
just woke the boys up w a screatchin guitar solo!
is off to Vicki's track meet! She made JV for Kubasaki High School!
is off to bed! I am tired!
Hummmmm, wondering if the phone will ring this morning....i think my head still hurts from Geometry and Japanese yesterday....off to shower, just in case..
did not get back from her run before the sky began to cry again! But, still had to swim laps at the pool, so all was good! LOL
Light rain & 100% humidity, my favorite weather! NOT!!! UHG!
is off to find the water restaurant! Gail thinks she can get us there! How fun! :)
is leaving for China in 2 hours and i need to take a shower and pack! The weather is showing 30 degrees and now i am tempted to stay home! I hate to be cold!!! 8 days of freezing? Wishing i was off to Africa instead!
has arrived at the Jade Palace Hotel in Beijing! I left my house at 1015 am and now it is midnight! Nothing like traveling all day and not really going very far! LOL! Off to bed!
Walked The Great Wall today……………no words!
Thinks she is on The Amazing Race……soooo much running! Why is everything at the top of a billion steps?
Could NOT eat my dinner of snake, scorpions, crickets, larve, seahorses, um, what else was there? Anyways, gave it away to a homeless man...
is back from an 8 day jam packed trip in China! It was soo fun!!!
Getting ready for my last Dining Out on Okinawa! Now i can officially pack away all of my formals! YIPPEEEE!!!!
Wow! Have not run in 2 weeks! It was a painful 4 miles! LOL That last hill from the chow hall to the shoppette kickss my butt everytime! I want to run it like Ed! He flies up that hill! Someday......
is putting the green chilli chicken enchiladas into the oven. YUM!
is reminding herself, cookies in oven, do not leave kitchen, cookies in oven do not leave kitchen, cookies in oven......!
Girls night out Tuesday, Foster 7 PM Confession of A shopaholic
wants to know who scared the sunshine away!!!
got our fly date! June 13th!!! I can't breathe when i think how close that really is!!!
now has no fly date as they messed up, IPAC never ceases to surprise us....what else is new...USMC ADMIN, need i say more?
Hey to my NC peeps! Do ya'll use dehumidifiers out that way? Need to know if i should bring my two or sell before we leave? Let me know...Kyla, Ashley, Kelli, any of you out in that neck of the woods?!
is like sooo scared for what she is about to do! You can start guessing and i will tell you if you are right if i live to tell the tale! LOL
survived her first night dive! Kept forgetting to breathe so my air lasted a long time! I actually came in w 750 left! Usually i have to snorkel in! LOL!
is wondering why it is sooo hard for ADMIN to get our flights right. We've had orders since Jan, a dog and a cat going with us....it is May, we leave in June, and they messed up our flights again! I just want to get all of our lodging reserved, housing stuff done, yadda yadda yadda
has made too much food for our Cinco De Mayo feast! Matt, Angus! Where are you? I miss my neighbors!!!
got our flight date! It is now June 8th and so i had to cancel our other reservations, everything is full for lodging, need to get a nonavailability so i can find a place out in town, change this and that, but we have a date and i can schedule the animals now!!!
is subbing chorus and guitar this week and next....just a singin' and a strummin'.....life is good! Of course there is a grand piano, drum set, and electric guitars to play with too!!!
can't wait to get her custom flip flops back! The artist that is making them is incredible!!! I'll post pixs when i get them!!!
just got back from Angels & Demons. Great movie, twists till the end!
Cried buckets of tears, my best friend has left our family to live with his new family. I miss my shadow......
We found the chairs out in town to replace the Government ones Bisquit chewed on! Yay, housing stuff is done till imspection!
Ed brought home a one year old Golden Lab. Seriously? I named him Jasper after my favorite Vamp!
Fabulous beach day! Jasper loves the ocean! Can't imagine a better place to live than here, and than my eyes water when i realize our time in paradise is almost up!
While we were gone Jasper got out and just detroyed a bunch of my stuff! Apparently he doesn't like things from China and Thailand....must have a certain smell
thinks the little Okinawan upstairs is related to Samantha with the magic twinkle nose! He is soooo fast at packing!!! He said it was easy beacuse everything is already in rubber maids....but still! Amazing!
Decided it was NOT a good idea to go thru the drive thru at Burger King with Jasper! He must like hamburgers! He got on my lap and was trying to get out my window and into the drive thru window. I'm glad the little Okinawan was laughing at this giant dog trying to get a burger!
is in a pretty empty house and LOVING it!!! Nothing to put away or clean! LOL 8 crates and 8 hours of packing! The okinawan's are amazing!!!
wants it to be a beautiful sunny day!!!
just finished my last day at Kubasaki High School! Best job ever!!! Will really miss those kids and my friends that work there!!
and Ed Kretschmer have grounded the boys to the outside! Ty is at the door begging to come in because there are tooo many flies! AAAhahahahahaha!!!
had the last of our shipment picked up. The Okinawan's are just incredible! Express was packed in 20 minutes and they were driving away w/in 45 minutes! We go into TLF on Tuesday! Wow, time has flown!!!
wants it to be a beautiful sunny day!!!
Went into the Beach Tower tonight! This place is awesome! Loved the pools and the Dr Fish!
Dove with the Whale Sharks today! Incredible!!!
Tank had his last jungle fight. He picked a Mongoose. The noise was horrid, he now has a pierced ear! Just in time for his inspection to fly! He goes into the kennel today, he won't be happy!
had her last dive on Oki today. 2 boat dives, USS Emmons was incredible, no more, fly on Monday.....i'm dropping buckest of tears, again.....
says Sayonara to all my Oki friends! Will miss you all! 40 more minutes till we are in the air!!! YIKES!!! ぉヴぇとあ
Jasper did great on the trip, Tank, well NOT so great! Ohhhh, he was mad!!!
Saw Kirwans, picked up our Jeep and now at Kyla's! Miss Oki but fun to see friends!
Housesitting for the Rogers! Jasper loves their dog Sarah! Total buddies!
is catching up on her life!
counted 42 mosquito bites on the body! UHG! Sooo missing the truce i had with the Oki jungle blood suckers!!!
has just discovered that once again her DARLING, SWEET, CARING, okay lets get real, none of those words work, lets just say the HUSBAND has once again hacked into the WIFE'S facebook and took the retarded test! Soooo, the 91% actually goes on ED'S profile
is now $131 poorer after paying her fine for speeding on Highway 24! My last speeding ticket was in 1997 when i was going 32 in a 25, now this time i was actually driving fast, or atleast faster than what i have driven in a loooong time! I was going 64
is at the beach. time 2 put the phone away n hit the waves
is off on a bike ride with Jorden! 6 o'clock, dinner, dishes, and dessert is done, time to go play!!! Yipppppppeeeeeeeee!!!
is on the Rd heading to charelston sc 2 pick up r Van that has been in storage 4 6 yrs. yikes!! we r pulling it back. yay 4 a blackberry!!!
is leaving myrtle beach. what a cool place!!! back on the road again.
is thanking all my wonderful family & friends for all the birthday greetings!!! Thank you! Made turning 41 not soooooooo dreadful!!! LOL!
hasn't had internet for awhile, just when i get over to the library, not often, so i'm not ignoring any of my super cool friends and family! I just don't like texting lots on my blackberry! I gots fat fingers!!! UHG!
Have a i mentioned i don't like this whole building a house thing?
is missing her Saturday morning dives!!
Is walking Jasper, again!!!
is hoping the movie the Time Traveler's Wife is as good as the book!!!
Okinawa shipment gets here today! House will no longer echo!!
no longer lives in a looking glass! The blindman came and put up our blinds! The blindman.....hahahahaha!! That is funny! Are you still laughing Kyla?!!
is off to bed.....Ed has lost interest in the game....he was sooo excited to watch Monday night football on Monday nights, but stupid Brett had to be playing tonight! Retire dude!!
heading out to run the dog on our trail....soooo, if ya don't hear from me in awhile atleast my friends know where to start looking for me! I wish more people ran this trail! It scares me in the back when my imagination goes overboard! Tooo many CSI episodes.....LOL!
had dinner done, kitchen is cleaned up, peach cobbler is almost done....than the maddness of getting everyone to jacksonville to scouts, yw, etc....just as long as i get back in time to watch Criminal Minds!!! LOL!
if off to run Jasper. He brought me my socks and is crying, which is his way of saying he needs to run! UHG! Yay! It's Friday, Ed gets to run him tomorrow!!!
is in the truck w the family heading out 4 a fun day!! who knows exactly what we will do, but it is beautiful out!!
is just sittin in the rocker on the porch eating some yummy peach cobbler! Life is good! Got that song, ....."It's gonna be a good good night...." going thru my head!
is sitting on the porch waiting to see my dude in cammies to come rumbling down the road!!
is at the rodeo. 15 minutes till the bull riding begins! yee haw!!
Is thinking I might have gotten bitten by a snake last night….?
is still in denial that she lives in a one stop light town!!!
is off 2 get lost in some corn fields! glad it's daytime! couldn't do this at night!
has lunches made, 2 kids out the door, 2 to go, and last batch of muffins almost done! It's not even 7 am!!! I soooo miss summer!!!
has dinner in the oven, rice is going, Vicki's South of the Border Lemon cake is done, YUM! Guess i will head off and fold that last load of laundry,than there will be no laundry...until everyone undresses tonight! LOL
dinner and dessert done, fhe done and I came in 3rd in Monopoly! my helo's weren't bringing me in enough dough! time to gather up laundry and wash a load before bed!
Found my pole dancing videos for Carry! They are hilarious!!!
is off 2 run w the cutest personal trainer EVER!
Loves Criminal Minds!
saw this and loved it! Misguided and lost people idolize those who are lost and misguided...vicious circle
has yummy halloween cookies out of the oven, kids should be walking thru the door any minute! Love Fridays!!! Yiippppppeeeeeee!
has found the remote for the big flat screen in the living room! I knew i should have checked the dive gear! Why would the Oki packers pack it anywhere else?!! Back out to the garage! UHG!!!
Made yummy apricot pies for breakfast! Wish I could make them as good as my Grandma’s!!!
needs a new waffle iron, apparently heart shaped waffles don't sit toooo well w the boys!
Never wants to move the roll top desk again, atleast by myself!!!
is off to take a ghost walk in Beaufort! Hope I don't run into Blackbeard!!
is wearing socks, boots, pants, and a sweater all at the same time! Beam me up Scotty! This place is too cold!!
is loving her elephants! Great interception!!
is wondering how many cookies this recipe is gonna make?! I want to be done already!!
Feeling bad Ed is out sleeping on the ground on our first freeze and I am gonna be snuggled in my bed!
Not liking scraping ice off the windows!
Hate stirring to the hard ball stage!
Getting ready to ride the Haunted Hay Ride with Kyla and her kids! Scary!!!
just wondering who will be paying the medical bills for the HIV positive travelers that Obama is now letting into America...?
Had that extra hour of sleep for the first time in 6 years!
just finished over 6 miles on the trail! Hope i wore out Jasper, i've got stuff to do!!!
was told by her darling, sweet, loving husband to check the lights on the back of my jeep. While I checked he backed up! When will I ever learn?!
Always loves the offical notification that my Marine has safely made it to his new destination!
starts to walk into Walmart during a bomb threat. I'm too oblivious to my suroundings!
is wondering if anyone has an updated link to the Copenhagen Treaty? Trying to see what has changed since June....
has begun the madness of cheer leading and basketball season! Just sitting in the bleachers with my phone and my cool FB friends!!
just got the call that the kids schools are on 2 hour delay due to the flooding. Vicki and I are going back to bed!!!!
is thankful there was no rain today! Now off to take a bubble bath in my giant tub that I am also thankful for!
is thankful that Vicki's fever finally broke! Rough night, 105, she was shaking, burning up, and blabbering all kinds of nonsence in her delirium! Not to mention the VOMIT, VOMIT, VOMIT!!!
is glad that the flu has ended, no vomit since last night, but bummed it has now turned into strep!!! So, today, i am thankful for ANTIBIOTICS!!!! Still hoping my kids don't pass this on to me!!!
Is thankful for Ryan's sweet voice! I was playing When Christmas Comes To Town on the piano and he came and sat next to me and sang along.
Going to town today and giggling that I say things like that now!
We are sitting in our seats waiting for New Moon to begin!!!
is just thanking my FB peeps for keeping me awake while i was getting these cookies made!! Now, to bed!!! Yay!!!!
is thankful for Ty who was born a decade ago today at Camp Pendleton. Same place i was born, it was sooooo cool to share my birth PLACE with the little guy!!!!!!
Thankful for a giant kitchen! Let the cooking begin!!!
Sorry Ed had to spend Thanksgiving in the field, but we had a great time with friends and my brother Dallas!!!
had no desire to shop with the crowds! Instead I got our tree up and the house decorated!!
is laughing at Ty and Ryan who are watching and loving Footloose, or as they call it, Loose Foot!
Has not heard gun shots in 24 hours! Are they done?!!!
is not liking this 32 degree morning!!! Burrrr!!
Not liking this tornado warning thing but loving the warm humid evening….my eyes are closed and I am Envisioning myself back on my island of no worries…..
is laughing at the kids! They are scared at all the gunshots going off. I keep reminding them we live next door to the deer trail....but i am hoping these hunters have some good night vision goggles on hunting in the dark!
In for a long day on the bleachers….4 games, none overlapping!
is happy to be out of tornado watch, thrilled the power is back on, and so lucky to have gotten home from the trail right before the rain came down!!
Waiting for the jeep doctor to tell me what is wrong with the micromachine!
wants to know the warning sighns of a transmission about to go on this big ole dodge ram truck and how to make the transmission break faster so I can Just get this over with!!!
is going to get all warm and cuddly under my covers! Will be 28 tomorrow without the wind chill, UHG! Wonder if Jasper will let me outta running him! Wonder if Ed will let me buy us a treadmill for when winter gets here! Glad there is no rain on the way!
is off to find Ed in a sea of cammies! wish me luck! Glad he is tall!!
is off to meet Ed at Lejeune and finish the rest of our shopping! I want to just bake, watch Christmas movies, go to the movies, and just hang with the family next week! No retail the week of Christmas!!! LOL
Just finished doing the hay ride at Mike's Farm! If you are in the area it is well worth the 7 dollars a person!!
Totally loves the chocolate peppermint milk shakes at Chic Fil A!!!
running the trail w Jasper while the family is playing basketball! FUN!!!!
has just far toooo many calories in this kitchen! Where are my Kishaba neighbors to help eat all this?! Miss you guys!!!
loves Christmas Eve! Blue skies, sunshine, Christmas movies, goodies, giggles, done checking my mail, now to enjoy the day!!!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Or day to my Oki friends! Now, Gunny Clause, I've got a surprise For you!!!
is catching up w ya'll as we drive into town 2 go to the movies! A perfect day 2 spend a cold rainy Christmas afternoon!
has a 7 am flight to catch in the morning, i guess i should go throw some clothes in a suitcase real quick! Heading out to Cali!!! Family & sunshine! Perfect ombination!
sitting in the airport, flight overbooked, hum
is having space A flashback!! Can't get out today but this flight delay Just gave us 2250.00 dollars for showing up and not being able to fly!! So we are a day behind!! UGH!!! Oh and bags have aleady flown out! Merry Day After Christmas!!
its rock band time at our house! Later gaters!!!
Off to the airport to try this again! Easy since our luggage already flew out! Interesting getting ready When you have nothing to get ready with!
is finally in Southern California! The only place I know better then Oki!!!
is going hiking over at Joshua Tree. Beautiful day!! Later the marshmallow wars will begin!
is letting everyone know there is way more than 29 palms here!! I counted!!!
is back in cold NC getting ready to bring in 2010. Won't be anywhere near as fun as last years though!!!! Miss you guys in the hood!!!
is thinking i might need to head outside....the boys are setting off fire works early since it might rain tonight....dogs are barking....i see lots of smoke....yes, now the boys are hollering! Happy New Year a few hours early since i am logging off till next year!!!