Thursday, July 29, 2010

Just Too Busy!

I do promise to come back to Blogger World someday, just not today, tomorrow, or who knows how many days after that! We are having fun with our North Carolina adventures but I can only keep up with my journal and photo books these days! Hoping to be able to read all of your blogs sometime in the near future, i am sooo far behind in your guys's lives and i miss you all!!! But, it is summer and summer is full of fun, travels, beach, pool, and kick back evenings on the porch in my rocker with a great book or fabulous company! Soooooo, probably won't be back to my blog until things slow down in the fall or when Ed leaves again in the dead of winter! Yes, he is back from his Afghanistan adventures and only came home with a broken nose and cracked rib! Those dang IED's need to just go away! But, that is another blog for another time! LOL Hope your lives are all as full as ours are and that i can catch up on you guys someday! Love and miss all you blogging friends of mine!!! But..... is there anything better than giant pieces of chocolate cake and jumping in a giant room filled with trampolines.....? Well, other than family and friends of course, oh and the deep blue sea, and roller coasters, and......yes, i guess those will just be future blogs someday.....

1 comment:

Jared and Adrianne Blake said...

Those big gym mats look fun! BUT...a few years back I thought that I could still pull off doing a round-off back hand-spring on the gym mats in the wrestling room in my old high school gym. I was a gymnast way back when. So...I didn't make it all the way around and I probably just missed a severe neck and brain injury, but still landed on my head. My head spins a little just thinking about it. Anyways, made me think of that!