Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Please Don't Move!!!

We were driving home from football practice and all of a sudden Vicki and I saw the cutest little fur ball of a creature in the middle of our lane looking up at us into our headlights.  We were on the two lane ice cream road.  There was literally no place to go unless you want to crash your vehicle…..Soooo, while I gripped the steering wheel really tight and closed my eyes for a split second waiting for the bleb blump of the smoosh while the two of us screached in a really high octave at the same time that the boys were nonchalantly discussing their never ending building strategies of their minecraft game on their ipods, well until their ears were pierced by our high decimal squeals……we were pleasantly surprised to not feel the blump plump of squish, mess, and death of the I have no idea what that cute furry creature even was, although I am leaning towards a racoon!    It’s nice to know that even the smallest of prayers were answered!  Even the itty bitty ones of ‘please don’t move, please don’t move, please don’t move!!!’  However, I would not be surprised if the adorable bundle of fur might have been sending up its own pleas of ‘please don’t swerve, please don’t swerve, please don’t swerve!!!!’  Oh the joys of driving the dark animal inhabited roads of the South!!!

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