Sunday, October 11, 2015

Encino Corn Maze, Again

We decided to hit the Encino Corn Maze again. We had a great time last year with Rick and Nolan that we thought it would be fun to do again and add Wendy and Noell! Last year Wendy was pregnant, swollen and miserable when we went so she stayed home. The maze was different of course but I still would have been just as lost if it were the same!!! No sense of direction for this chica!!!! But the guys got us through it and we survived! I would die doing this at night, just straight up die!!! But totally fun to do during the day and with people who do know how to find their way out!!! Nolan wandered off and Ty and Ryan decided to each go separate ways....I hollered after them, "Have you guys not learned ANYTHING from scary movies or Scream Queens?!!!" They later found Nolan, who was alive and they all made it back to us and told me they were smarter than scary movie actors! Hahahaha! Ty did get Wendy and I really good once. I didn't know he had left the group and all of a sudden there was all this noise of someone running through the corn stalks and Ty jumped out of the corn at us, yelling! Soooo, we screamed, the guys laughed and little Noell wasn't sure what to think of all that!!! But another fun Fall Adventure at the Tapio Brothers Farm in Encino.
Getting ready to go in....the sun was bright!
The shape of the start with a paper with all these fill in the blanks to do...each part of the maze has the answers you are looking for.

Off and wandering....
Lots of corn, quite perfect when you peel it back!
Me and my guy having fun!
The only brave part of me, my fearsome piggies!!!
Sometimes it was scary...

But mostly just a LOT of fun!!!

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