Friday, June 11, 2010

Free or Kept....?

We have 3 vehicles….Jorden drives the micromachine, well it is actually a Jeep Cherokee Sport, but we affectionately call it the micromachine, it is small and you can park it anywhere! Ed drives his truck and his fat boy. I drive the Commander….I’m not complaining about my wheels, I do like it, so don’t get me wrong…..but when I am driving the Commander I feel like I need to have make up on, hair in place, no windows down, a manicure with nails done, and of course a designer outfit with matching shoes and jewelry! That chick is NOT me!!! BUT, when I drive Ed’s truck I can be ME and I love it!!! I am the girl with the super messy ponytail, flip flops-sometimes not matching- or sperrys, always capris, either denim or cargos, totally casual shirt, designer NOTHING, no manicure although toe nails will always be cute, and fun jewelry, nothing a thief would waste time on! (Well, maybe my necklace Ed brought me back from Iraq that I wear my half of my heart on) I can also take Jasper with me in the truck!!! Needless to say, I would rather be the free chickie than the kept one and I will drive the truck as much as I can before Ed comes home and takes claim of his wheels again!!! AAWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Then I will go back to being the misplaced free chickie driving a kept chickies wheels! LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way with my truck! Make-up on, hair all neat and tidy, dressed nice. The car on the other hand, not so much.