Thursday, April 21, 2011

Warm Milk

Recent dinner table conversation.....
Ed "I like warm milk"
Ty "I don't"
Me "When did you have warm milk?"
Ty "From the recycle bin"
Whole family "EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!"
Ty "It was in the neighbors recycle bin"
Whole family *shouts of disgust, dry heaves* and loud "EWWWSSSSS!!!"
Ty tells us "I was playing outside last summer and I was thirsty and saw some milk left in a milk carton at my friends house and so I opened it and drank it and gagged and thought I was going to die and that warm milk does NOT taste good and Dad is gross!!"
Whole family, "No Ty, YOU ARE GROSS!!!!  

1 comment:

Slattery's said...

Read this one to the whole family. Lots of eeewwws and gagging in Wyoming! Thanks for sharing.