Friday, April 3, 2009

China Tomorrow!

I leave for China tomorrow and all week I have been having my usual about to leave on a trip nightmares! UHG! Yeah, forget passport, get on wrong plane, get lost, get put in prison, all the normal stuff. I really need to find someone to go on trips with me, maybe I wouldn’t have these nightmares! I’m not afraid to die, it’s just the thought of being tagged for something that I didn’t do, like I don’t do drugs, but what if someone stuffed some into my bags kinda thing. That would just totally suck! I colored my hair darker for this trip and didn’t put in my highlights, so maybe I will blend in a little better. Ed says the only place I can blend in is Germany. LOL! Never been there, but someday…. Wish me luck on my trip to china! I’m excited!!! What to buy? Like isn’t everything made in china?! I mainly want to walk the wall, rent a bike, the pedal kind, and ride around and make my own terra cotta warrior from the clay there. Soooo, we’ll see how it goes!

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