Thursday, April 23, 2009

Unexpected Wave of Nostalgia

It was one of those quick little flashback moments that can catch ya by surprise…..Ed had to work at the High School today. The JROTC was having their annual inspection. Ed had been asked to oversee the inspection. It was raining and he was in his Charlies, so he was driving to the school as the trail I walk to work every day would be a muddy mess for his shiny black choraframes! (Not sure how to spell those shoes) LOL! I caught a ride with him. As we were pulling in front of the school I told him to drop me off at the curb before he went and parked as the parking spot he would be in was closer to the ROTC building than where my classroom was. In that tiny split second when I asked him to stop and let me out I had this unexpected wave of nostalgia, for a blink of an eye, I was back in high school and my Dad was dropping me off at school. My Dad was a Marine, wore the same uniform, and dropped me off at school when I missed the bus or had an orthodontist appointment during school hours. My Dad usually opted to take me on the back of his Harley so my helmet would crush my big 80’s hair, but other than that, it was just a really cool flash back to my teen age years. I just started laughing and told Ed I wasn’t sure if it was a “Bring your Dad to school day” or “Bring your hot husband to work day” He said, “Get Out”! I was laughing all the way to my classroom.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Ed, a man of few words....