Saturday, May 31, 2014

Is Anyone Else Freaking Out?

Did anyone else freak out just a bit when Bowe Bergdahl's dad started talking in the language of the Taliban?!!!!  I think we have all heard those lines enough to know that he was basically um I’m not sure exactly if he was claiming the White House in the name of Allah or sanctifying it or exactly what but I am actually horrified that the President of our country let ANYONE use the language of the TALIBAN on the White House grounds!!! I can’t believe our Secret Service didn’t tackle him when he began uttering those phrases!!! Was anyone listening or has his entire detail switched allegiances?!!! I thought anything being spoken thru the White House had to be cleared ahead of time?!!! I will officially lose it if this President thinks he is coming home with this traitor after the D-Day Remembrances as some sort of Victory lap and think the American people are going to throw a parade of celebration or something! I don’t think I can stomach him mixing those two together…..what terrifies me even more is a huge sector of our population doesn't even know that anything horrific has just happened in our country!!! 

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