Monday, February 10, 2014

Putin Is In The Audience, All Will Be fine

Does anybody else watch Olympic events and see Putin sitting in the audience and breathe a sigh of relief for the spectators and athletes thinking that there is a pretty good chance that all will be fine for that event?  He is the first person i look for at any event.  If he is there watching than i am pretty confident all will be fine. I think this whole media hype on the black widows was indeed just hype, but for what purpose? Usually a distraction for something else....Sooooo, something is going on in that part of the world and we are bound to see it sooner or later.....but i am not really worried about anything happening at the Olympics. There are probably dead bodies stacked up and piled somewhere, it's Russia. They run things differently than America.....but something is definitely going on over; but just not in Sochi where the media is. The athletes should all be safe for the Olympics even as the media continues to cram down all this hype of bombs and suicide bombers and toothpaste bombs into every feed they can......whatever Putin has in store for us is somewhere else and i am sure Obama will have another speech and Kerry will have some words to share as well and Putin will laugh and do whatever he wants to do. He is still planning on building Mother Russia again, right? But the American people just laughed at Romney when he mentioned that back in 2012.....Putin has been busy since than......but America doesn't pay attention because the leader of this country is too busy wanting the celebrity life instead of a leadership life, but than again, the American people wanted a community organizer for a president not a leader of the free world, we are loosing our freedoms rapidly.....Putin is counting on Obama's continued vision for this country. Soon it will be too late to fix the damage that Obama has done. Our military is just about to the breaking point and if we can't borrow money to fix it once it breaks.....well, Putin has won. Russia and China can fight over who gets us. China will win.....Now, back to watching the Olympics knowing all will be fine for our athletes no matter what all these newscasters want to continually try to tell us.  I think they even actually know all is fine, but for ratings.....if there is the chance the ice arena might blow up or a sniper shoot a snowboarder in the air, well maybe more people will tune in?'s just the sick demented society we live in these days....but something is brewing in Russia. I can see it on Putin's smug face.....    

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