Thursday, September 4, 2008


The Immunizations Office has never been fun to take the kids to, humorous at times but never FUN! All 4 of the kids needed shots for this upcoming school year. I think this is the first time they have all gone in to get shots together since they got their overseas shots to come over here to Okinawa. Ty and Ryan both freaked out and screamed their bloody heads off! Jorden and I had to actually pin them down so they could get their pokes and bubble, all needed the TB test. This reminded me of a very funny time when I had taken Thing One & Thing Two in for shots. They were 2 and 3 at the time. Ty was the oldest so he went first. I held him on my lap and he cried crocodile tears as he had his shots. Ryan watched this and was quite appalled that he was going to have to do the same thing. I am not exactly sure how it happened, it was so fast, but Ty and Ry exchanged some sort of communication and WOW! Ryan flew outta the room and Ty was yelling after him “Run for you life, Ryan, RUUUUUNNNN!!!” I took off after Ryan. Ty was running behind me yelling the whole time for Ryan to “Run for his life!” Now, let me tell you about where we were…..this was back when the kids could get their shots done at sick call where the active duty Marines went, so this place was packed in cammies, there were atleast 100 or more Marines getting their Small Pox shot. This was a building with winding hallways that were packed with Marines. I was the only adult there NOT in cammies! Ryan was running full speed and was dodging around cammies, between legs and I was doing my best to figure out which way he was running. It wasn’t too hard to notice the uniforms swaying from side to side dodging the missile flying thru the hallways! I said plenty of excuse me’s as I ran after Ryan and heard all the chuckling and even heard Marines cheering him on! Next thing I see Ryan in the air! A Doc was walking down the hallway and scooped him up and threw him over his shoulder and hollered out to see who Ryan belonged to. Ty was still yelling to fight and run when we caught up with the Doc. I quickly explained we had run from Immunization and so the kind Doc carried Ryan over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes while Ryan punched his tiny fists into his back and Ty yelled to keep fighting. As we rounded the corner back to Immunization, a huge roar of applause broke out for Ryan and all the hundreds of Marines packed in their gave him High 5’s and told him to be brave and that they were getting shots to and they wished they could run! Ryan bit down on his lip and Ty held his hand while I wrapped my arms around him and he had his little booster shots. He was given another thunderous round of applause as we made our way thru the sea of cammies out the door to my car.

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