The Dude in Cammies left a few weeks ago for ITX. I guess some stuff wasn't done right by the XO and so he has to come back to his base to get it done right. I bet he is totally bummed to have home cooked meals, a shower, laundry, and his bed to sleep in for a few nights! HAHAHAHA He got a chunk of work done on Monday and than Monday evening I helped him with the last of the rosters.

We were finally able to sit out front and hand out candy to all our trick or treaters.

It was soooo fun having him home for Halloween since he will be gone next Halloween and last Halloween we were at Ty's away football game, the year before that Ty was gone again for an away game and the year before that the Marine was in this was a fun surprise!!! Next Halloween that the Marine will be home we will only have one kid still in school!!! Crazy how fast time is going!!! So totally enjoyed having him home this Halloween since it is his VERY favorite holiday!!! Ryan put on Ty's ghillie suit and sat in the rocking chair handing out candy.

The little kids reactions were hillarious! Their Marine dads knew exactly what he was! There were a few little ones he had to take the head piece off so they could be brave enough to get their candy!!! Later Ryan went and hid and jumped out at some big kids. He scared a few and Ty snuck up on Ryan and scared him! It was toooo funny!!! We ended the night watching a VERY creepy Gotham. A super fun day! And of course we stuck with Halloween tradition and ordered pizza!!!!