Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Last Date

We went out on our last date. Tomorrow he leaves, again....this time for a long time.....a REALLY long time...but atleast he won't be getting shot at or driving roads where he can get blown up....he should have air conditioning and heat and be able to choose what he wants to eat, so that is good!  The housing market has totally crashed wear we live so it's not like we can just pack up and follow him to his next duty station.  We are stuck here in the house he built us.  There are 6 houses empty on our street. Our house will make number 7.  It is a 2 year duty station.  Thank goodness it is only a 2 year duty station!!!  Maybe the market can turn around and we can sell and break even by than. I am hoping so! This is NOT where i want to live forever and ever. I screamed and hollered, stamped my feet and all but threw myself on the floor trying to talk him out of buying a house because of this very thing.  It is just a VERY big piece of baggage when it comes time to PCS.  I told him this was not the time to buy back in 09. I begged him to take base housing!!!! This is EXACTLY what i did NOT want to be dealing with when orders came.  I've listened to wives complain about this very thing for YEARS!!! I told him when it came time to move someday that he would have to be the one to deal with realtor's and everything involved in taking care of renting a house. That i wanted absolutely NO part in it!!!  He promised he would or the kids and i would stay and he would go. But, nope. Here i am. Stuck doing everything and yelled at if i don't do something or don't do something right or fast enough. i didn't want this house because of all of this!!!! I would LOVE to be packing up and moving to a new location but it gets tricky when you have something as big as a HOUSE when you need to move 3,000 miles away and can't sell it or find someone to rent it.  So, the kids and i will stay atleast to the end of the school year and we will decide from there.  I think the kids and should stay here and he should fly home once a month and visit and  that way i keep my job and and we don't risk someone destroying our home or moving out and it sitting empty or destroying it and not paying the rent either.  I just don't see taking the gamble of going into financial ruin for an 18 month move. I am hoping he sees things just as clearly since he was so dang adamant on building this house and his words were if orders came and we couldn't rent than "i will go and you and the kids will stay here".  Which i told him way back in 2009 wasn't fair and that he better hope those orders weren't overseas because i would be totally ticked off at him if he leaves us behind for an awesome duty station!!!!  Which i am a little irked that we are being left behind for California, that is home for me, but financially the kids and i need to stay here.  It makes no sense to go move somewhere for 18 months with a super high chance of financial ruin and going somewhere with a 13% unemployment rate. Getting a job is pretty much out of the my income is gone.....we probably won't be able to rent the house for what our mortgage is, so another loss there....sooooo last date night for awhile.......we smiled, we laughed, and i hope he doesn't know how flippin' mad i am!!!!      

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