Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Did I Read That Right?

I was organizing all of our Oki pixs and deleted a ton of no longer needed ones and found this one that made me laugh! I came home and found a note on our front door from housing telling me to clean up my front yard! Huuuuummmmmm….where should I begin?! Our yard was actually torn up as they were trying to figure out why i hadn't had basicaly no water pressure and no hot water for the last 2 1/2 years. They were not able to fix it, other than make a huge mess of my yard for a couple of months, but 3 years later they came and put in a hot water heater in my house! I had hot water for the first time in 5 years! It was wonderful to take a shower and not come out with an instant migraine!!! I no longer had to boil water to wash my was good! But the notice to clean up my yard still brings a giggle!

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