Thursday, September 17, 2009

Almost Ate A Spider!

I run my dog Jasper every day on this trail about a half mile from my house. I wish i had someone like the hulk and some super tall basketball player to run the trail first for me, but since i don't, i am at the mercy of where Jasper drags me and how fast i can react and dodge what is on the trail! Fortunately i came to a screeching halt before i almost ate this ugly fellow! Thank goodness Jasper decided it was time to drop some logs and so my nose came to a stop at about an inch away from leggy! I backed away very slowly but could only go so far since i run Jasper on a short leash, so i got to actually look at this creature. I couldn't stop laughing after he came into full view to my eyeballs! Looking at his belly, i could actually pretend to see a face, if you look at him he looks like he is standing there with his hands in the air and all upset looking! Well, i guess i would be upset if someone was taking a poo in front of my house! Do you see the yellow eyes, the little white gopher teeth, and silly mush mash?! I do and i couldn't stop laughing. Had to take a picture too!

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