Friday, June 8, 2012

Jasper Busted!! Again......

Jasper is forever getting busted!  The poor guy just can't ignore the power of his sniffer!  And he does have one powerful sniffer, i'll give him that!  I guess it would be like telling me i couldn't have one of the chocolate chip cookies that just came out of the oven....Ryan had left his hot dog on the table to go grab something out of his room.  Jasper thought this was his perfect moment to jump up and snag it!  BUT!  I happened to be getting ready to take pictures out the kitchen window and caught him right in the act!  Blurry, but BUSTED!  He was sad, but Ryan was happy to find that Jasper's incredibly long tongue had not managed to touch HIS dog!

1 comment:

Cocktail Lady said...

You have a great blog! Your writing is entertaining! Glad I stopped by. Cheers!