Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summer Shots!

July 2 Today is Shot Day! The boys each need one shot. The third shot in a series. Than they are free until they turn 16! Neither of them wanted to go but I told them we could go to Panda Express after for lunch. Shots didn't sound quite so bad after that incentive! Those boys LOVE orange chicken!!!!
They were looking for places to hide....
Ty went first and was like 'whatever'

Notice Ty sportin' his Sponge Bob sticker? Yep, he's still cool like that!

Ryan was the complete opposite!!! Yep, I still have to hold Ryan's hand as well as hold him down for shots! He is terrified of sharp needles! I asked him if he would rather have dull needles and he said YES!!!! Needless to say, we stuck with the sharp needle....I tried to get him to keep his eyes closed....he was a stubborn fighter but the shot got done with only a couple tears escaping!

Lucky for them they had their electronics to entertain themselves with while we waited for their shot books to get entered into the computer system!


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