Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cute Little Something

I was running the other morning and suddenly had a little companion next to me! It was this cute little furry thing swimming next to me! It was making all sorts of ruckus and splashing like crazy, even getting me wet! It was hot, so that was okay. I was watching it as I was jogging and it sounded like it was just a grumbling about something, kinda like a Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe kinda moment. It did really seem to be doing a whole lot of fussing while swimming and I told him it would be okay. It shook his head and made further big splashes. I was laughing at this silly little creature. Than my imagination started to get the best of me….doesn’t it always? Anyways, I quickly envisioned this thing coming outta the water and morphing into some sort of gremlin thingy with big sharp teeth and dragging me into the forest to do unspeakable things with a host of other creepy creatures! I started jogging just a little bit faster and didn’t look down anymore.

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