These are my naked toes!
I went to get my toe nails painted! YAY! They are finally all grown in! I lost my two big toe nails and a couple of little toe nails over the summer when I decided to climb Mt Fuji. It took awhile for the big toe nails to finally grow in. I’m thinking maybe the big toes just liked being naked! I always have cute toe nails, I have ugly feet and fat toes, but the nails are always beautiful, sooooo it has been quite frustrating to have naked toes! I did brights with polka dots! Each toe nail is a different color. I did pink, blue, green, yellow, and orange with white polka dots and the French tips. They turned out fabulous!
The other part of the story..........
I took my daughter with me when I went to get toes done. I thought I would surprise her with a pedicure after school. While they are filing our nails, sanding down our feet and doing the foot soak we are looking thru the books with all of our choices of nail art. I happen to like the same one my daughter is choosing. She is NOT happy about our toes matching. We both end up with polka dots, but she has a bow added to her big toes and I have the French tips put on, similar but not the same. My feelings were totally hurt ‘cause I would have loved to have had my Mom’s toe nails match mine! She was done before me and I told her I would see if there was anyone available to do her finger nails while my toes were getting finished. There were not any openings. She has the nerve to say, “I want to go home now” It makes me soooo mad that she thinks it is perfectly acceptable to demand for me to leave before my toes have even finished being painted! She fully expected me to say okay, and leave without getting the painting finished on my nails. I was selfish, and maybe some would regard me as a bad Mom, I don’t know, but I stayed and she waited the additional 10 minutes for the rest of my nails to be finished. I kindly told her that I will not bring her again to get her toe nails done. She is on her own the rest of the time we live here. She was still Miss Attitude and said, “Fine”! Later when we were about half way home she looked over and said thank you.
you are not a bad mom except that you would even think you were a bad mom for making her wait ten minutes! Twelve year olds are a pain in the behind!!! Okay, HOW did you lose your toe nails. We have way too much to catch up on and FYI, I am NOT doing anything to cause loss of anything off my body that is attached or growing other than a hair cut. So whatever adventures you cook up here in the big NC, just keep that little demand in mind!!!!!
LOL! I'll make sure our adventures don't let you loose body parts! Toe nails came off on the Mt Fuji climb. Okay, i've been on here 10 minutes and Ed is throwing a fit, so i will get off now and go do Cinderella time, i'm sure there is something i can find to clean, but i did it all Sat...oh, dryer just dinged off, theres' something for me to do...just thought i would spend a quick moment on a Sunday afternoon sending my friend a note.....i'm trying to find the positives to marriage, i feel more like i'm an endentured servent with no end in site! UUHHG! off to fold clothes and find something to clean.....another Sunday....
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