Friday, February 27, 2009

Snickers is Gone

I checked the hamster. He hadn’t come out for any of his treats or food. I knew he had to be dead. He is a little piggy! He is tiny but eats a ton! Well, maybe not a ton, but it is a lot for something sooo little! I lifted up his little house and sure enough,he was burrowed in and all curled up. He really does look like he died in his sleep! I sure hope so. He was such a cute little guy! I loved holding him. He always hung out in my pockets when i was wearing cargo pants. He just didn't like it when i vacummed when he was tucked in my pocket. He never bit anyone and he went thru a lot between Ty and Ryan and their little friends over the last couple of years. He has ridden in everything from the Millennium Falcon to the Pirate Ships. He’s been carried around in buckets, boxes, treasure chests, you name it, he’s probably done some time in it. He even underwent a bath by Ryan! I think it was only one bath, I made it very clear that hamsters do NOT need a bath! I picked him up and held him one last time. Maybe that sounds gross, but it wasn’t. I put him in a zip lock bag and filled it up with cedar shavings and carried him out to the backyard. I dug a hole somewhere by the spot we buried our pet octopus and covered him up. Yeah, I cried. I’ll need to have Ed help me dig a deeper hole. The ground here is like made of coral and I didn’t get very deep with my kitchen spoon! My gardening tools are forever disappearing! I have spent a fortune at the 100 yen store re-buying my little shovels and stuff ………..I dried my tears and went back to work. I came home and buried him on my lunch break. I think I am just going to go with Jorden’s idea to just clean the cage and let Ty and Ry think he is just always asleep and just tell them I gave him away when it gets closer to pack out time….Ed came home tonight and asked if I had taken care of the hamster. He wasn’t thrilled when I told him I needed him to help me dig a deeper hole. He thinks I should just throw him in the trash. I can’t do it, so I guess I will be the one digging a deeper hole. We got a big down pour today, so the ground should be softer…………


Living in oblivion said...

LOL! I ned a shovel for that ground out there! Actually a jack hammer! So far, the kids don't know he died....

Kelli said...

I would totally help you dig the hole. Ed is a toot. I'm so sorry!!!

Living in oblivion said...

I know you would have dug a hole with me! Maybe next pet....