Monday, January 5, 2009

Sushi Go Around

The Stuarts have finally caught up with us! We were stationed together at Camp Pendleton and lived on the same street. Next duty station took us both to San Diego. The following duty station took us across the Pacific and they stayed in America. Well, they have finally caught up with us and we are thrilled to be able to hang out with them again! But totally bummed that it will only be for 6 months before we head off to a new duty station. We decided for our first adventure to just go have lunch out in town since their two older boys, Troy and Patrick were at Forest Adventure and Jorden was at the Paint Ball Park. We told them we would meet them at their house and they could follow us. I was pretty sure I knew what house was theirs as one of my friends used to live there. However, when I went to the door to knock I saw a cat inside. I knew they had brought their dog but didn’t know if they had a cat. I went back to our car to call them. Of course Ed is already telling me what a dork I am and that I should know where I am going before we leave the house AND he is driving my car which he hates! He thinks it is the noisiest thing on the island and just calls it the total ghetto mobile! I love it though! Sooo, I call Carrie and ask her what her house number is and sure enough it is the one I am at. Soo, I laugh and tell her we are right out front and that I was tricked by her cat! Ed is rolling his eyes and Vicki is telling me what a dork I am. We are off and the Stuarts are behind us. I have my January Jingles CD in. I make a new CD each month for my van. This one has songs from Mama Mia, Wicked, Taylor Swift, Summersets, Phantom of the Opera, yeah, Ed has a head ache with the very first song! I tried to get him to sing Honey Honey with me but he doesn’t like the line “you’ll never get rid of me”. I quickly skipped it up to Bama Breeze for him before putting the radio on. He can only take so many of my songs! LOL! The first place we went to, Kitykyson’s, was closed, so we decided to hit the Sushi Go Around by Dragon Palace. Vicki jumped in the Stuart’s van and Jake came over to ours. We back tracked back down the 58 to the Wheel. The one we parked at was packed but Vicki insisted that the one around the corner was just as good. So, we left our vehicles and walked over to the one under the Wheel. We didn’t have to wait long and two tables opened up. Ed and Cliff took the boys and Carrie and I took the girls. We got the better end of the deal as we just had Corree and Vicki. Cliff and Ed had Jake, Ty, and Ryan, as well as two other’s we had brought with us, Robert & Diego who had stayed the night and were hanging out with us. There was a McDonald’s right across the way that we figured we would have to hit afterwards for my boys. I don’t like sushi however I love the Sushi Go Around! I ordered my favorite, cucumber rolls and then some of the scambled egg things, egg salad, and pulled a salad off the go around. I love watching all the funky things that go by! Won’t eat them, but love to look at them! I tried these yummy rice wrapped in tofu things for the first time. They were delicious! Thanks Carrie for getting them! Yay! Another thing I like at the Go Around! Vicki had her standard order of rice with soy sauce and fried chicken. Carrie and Corree had fun trying the sushi that was going by us. Carrie also ordered a crab soup, it was quite crabby and the crab even had an eye! YIKES! The younger boys actually had fun trying all kinds of things! Ty and Ryan were going to town on the shrimp. Ed said it was hilarious to watch the boys grab a plate off the go around and than they would all just try everything! Nope, nobody needed to go to McDonalds afterwards! After lunch we showed them around Dragon Palace and took them into the candy store! They have all these bins of Japanese candy and they sell them by the piece. It is fun to try all these funky candies and have no idea if they are sweet, sour, gonna foam in your mouth, or what! We had to head back to get Diego and Robert home and the Stuarts were gonna go walk over to Jusco and check it out. When we got back to our parking spot I pulled out the windshield wipers on the Stuarts van. It’s kinda my trademark if I see your vehicle and you are not around. Well, I am also known for getting out of my car at red lights and pulling your wipers out too. Also known to TP your vehicle while you are in a McDonalds as well….. Later I ran into Cliff and Carrie at the Commissary and they mentioned the windshield wipers. I told them that that is a warning that your car has been parked in the lot too long. Then I told them I was kidding it was just me. Wonder what our next adventure will be with the Stuarts! Maybe it will involve the giant python!!!!

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