Thursday, January 1, 2009

Twilight Is Coming!

Yay! It is official! Twilight will be here on January 16th! I can't wait! I almost hopped to South Korea to see it as that was the closest location, but i couldn't confirm if there would be english sub titles and i wasn't sure how i felt about seeing it for the first time in Korean! Lol! Soo, in just a little over 2 weeks i will get to see it! I have been asking the Okinawan's at our base theater as well as the big one out in town when they would get it since like summer time!!! Finally!!! The Okinawan that i have been pestering for the last couple of months informed me today when we were at the movies to see Bedtime Stories that my movie would be here on the 16th! I thought it was funny how he refered to it as my movie! Ha! He kept aksing me if it was a popular movie in the States when i was hoping to get it here in Thanksgiving. I kept telling him it was bigger than Harry Potter and he was completely floored at how popular it was in the States! Thanks for all the great reviews i got from you guys! Now i get to finally see it! I think Ty is just as excited as me! He's been dying to see it since he saw the first preview!


Slattery's said...

Your gonna LOVE it! I have seen it twice now and it is totally worth it. I am glad however that I read the books first.

Kelli said...

HAHAHAH, the hubby and I saw bedtime stories today! It was pretty good. The girls have seen Twilight but I haven't yet. Can you believe that???