Sunday, January 18, 2009

Twilight Arrived!

The most anticipated movie (for me) in my 40 years finally arrived on island! Vicki snagged my Twilight shirt awhile ago, so i bought a hoodie and went to the embroidery shop out in town and just had my own "Twilight" jacket made. I got Team Edward on the back and on the front i had "Every Girl Deserves An Edward" embroidered on there. Yes, i totally love my jacket and it was cold enough to wear it!!! I saw it Friday night with friends and was not dissapointed! It was hillarious when the Cullen's first appeared on screen.........the crowd went crazy and my friends and i were cracking up. Ty and Ryan really wanted to see it, so I took them on Saturday. Ed refused to come see the movie, as anything that even hints on a romance repels him like Superman to Kryptonite! Ty had a scout event to go to on Saturday over at Torri Beach, so the only showing we could fit in was the 6:30 pm one and there just wasn't time to drop off Ed and get back to Kadena for the movie, so he actually ended up having to sit thru it. Ty and Ryan loved it and well, i'll be in the dog house for awhile for making Ed endure that. He kept asking me when it would was a very painful experience for him. LOL

1 comment:

Slattery's said...

Well the theater ohhing and ahhing is universal. It was the same thing here. Wasn't it a beautiful movie! I wish someone would look at me like that!