Sunday, March 15, 2009

Open Ocean Swim

March 14, 2009
I finally did my first Open Ocean Swim competition! I decided to just do the 750 meter one. The sea was rough, it was condition RED. The event took place up at Camp Schwab, it is a northern grunt base on Okinawa. It was a rainy, windy, cold day! The winds were in the high 20’s and low 30’s, the outside temp was 53 with a wind chill of 42 and the water temp was a nice 67! Yeah, I wore my 3 ml wetsuit! Ha! I swam it in 23 min 40 seconds. I was all over the place with the current, so I really don’t know how far I swam, but it was a lot further than 750 meters! LOL! I swallowed a LOT of sea water, but totally loved it! I came in first place! Yay for me! But then, I couldn’t help but take first since I was the ONLY female on island dumb enough to enter the water and swim on that miserable day!!! The number they wrote on my hand was D-1, which Ed said stood for “DUMB 1” Hahahahahahahaha!!! I couldn’t talk him into joining me. He says the water was too cold, but I really think it is because he knew I would beat him! LOL! In his defense, he really does HATE cold water. It was cold. I never warmed up afterwards, I was still freezing when I crawled into bed that night!

This is me coming in on the last stretch to the finish line. No laughing at my swimming, i'm slow but steady! Ha!

1 comment:

Slattery's said...

Congrats! You are super awesome, I am not a swimmer and I agree with Ed about the whole cold water thing.